INOC, USA expresses grave concern on the deterioration of religious freedom in India

In Yogi Adityanath’s U.P., Yuva Vahini vigilantes interrupt a church worship service and harass American tourists in attendance; in Bangalore, the IT Capital of the world, a Christian prayer meet was called off after Bajrang Dal lodging a protest; in Mumbai, Christian groups are denied permission to hold public gathering anywhere in the city’s open space; in Jharkhand, RSS converts 53 families to make a block ‘Christian free’ and Prime Minister Modi is declaring to celebrate Good Friday as ‘Digital India Day’ – “It is a sad state of affairs when we see these developments in a democratic and secular India, and it is indeed a deliberate and systematic effort on the part of the BJP government to intimidate minorities, Christians in particular, from manifesting their faith and exercising their freedom of conscience” said George Abraham, Chairman of the Indian National Overseas Congress, USA.

Last December, The BJP government has also declared Christmas Day as ‘Good Governance day’ by not allowing the holiday to the staff of the Central Government. Obviously, this is a growing pattern of marginalization of minorities that is taking place under the current Modi regime.

‘These actions by the BJP/RSS combine are doing enormous damage to the image of India abroad” said Harbachan Singh, Secretary-General of INOC, USA. “We are requesting the Government to take stern action against those anti-democratic elements that are quite emboldened by the recent election victory in U.P.” added Mr. Singh.

Amnesty International in its annual global report stated that Modi government is fueling religious tensions in India and has failed to prevent hundreds of incidents of communal violence, usually involving members of the Hindu majority pitted against Muslims or other minorities.

Last week, both the New York Times and Le Monde newspapers ran editorial lambasting Modi Government. The Times editorial board said the ongoing confrontation between Hindu nationalists and free speech advocates “raises serious concerns about Modi’s governance and may further stall any progress in Parliament on economic reforms”.

While the current government is tightening the noose around the minorities regarding what they could eat and what they could say in social media or where they could gather, the Modi Government and its surrogates around the globe are pressing ahead with their Hindutva philosophy forward attracting scores of young people, especially in the academia, while raising a ton of money; the duplicity couldn’t be more evident.

“Christianity in India is two centuries old, and yet, it is sad and pitiful that they are being denied their basic constitutional right to freedom of conscience and the fair-minded people everywhere will take note of their current dilemma” the statement added.
