Online Doctorate & PhD programs for working professionals from Austria

A doctorate is a prestigious academic qualification awarded in a specific profession. There are many doctoral programs, ranging from humanities to the space disciplines. An international cooperation from a few universities from Austria is helping the professionals to achieve the highest form of academic degree by offering online distance education in the sector. Anytime from anywhere study is the basis.

The program has been designed in such a way that working professionals can easily complete the studies while they continue to do their ongoing professional activities, whether you are an upper level employee, consultant, having a lead corporate role or business person, our programs will help you achieving an accredited academic qualification. This special recognition will in turn make you credible for scholarly work or for other contributions to your professional field or to society or makes you capable of doing post doctoral assignments anywhere in the world. The following are some of the areas our universities provide for further research.

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA/Dr)
Doctor of Education (D.Ed/Dr)
Dual Degree options in PhD and Doctoral Programs (Dr … PhD)

Professionals who are pursuing their career in the Business and Education field have now a golden opportunity to accomplish Doctorate & PhD Program (approved in Austria by AQ, § 27 Abs 6 HS-QSG) online from Austria under European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The program is fully accredited in Europe and worldwide.

Masters degree holders with sufficient experience can apply from anywhere in the world. The study is conducted solely in the Distance Education Mode and in particular designed for professionals who cannot be away from their working position. Candidates need not come to Austria for its completion as the monitoring and mentoring for licensure has been organized online. However upon completion, a candidate can come to Austria for convocation ceremony at his/her own disposition.

More information can be found from the official information of the university coordinating center: