Looking for studying medicine in Europe: List of a few affordable medical schools here

Slovakia / Bulgaria / Georgia as affordable destinations: last date to apply-30 July

Bratislava / Sofia / Tbilisi: It is generally not easy to study medicine in the major cities of Europe. The simple reason is that medical education is being conducted in the national language of the respective countries. But in some cities in the Europe, one can choose to study in English at affordable prices which in turn open the fulcrum of opportunities worldwide. There are always affordable destinations for future doctors to go and learn the skills they need to become fully eligible in the preferred countries they choose to practice.

Some of the following government universities in different countries committed as a teaching base providing high quality knowledge on up to date levels of medical science and as emerging institutions shaping the moral and personal profiles of their graduates. Study programs of general medicine and dentistry are offered either in local language or in English.

Bratislava known as twin city next to Vienna, and the capital of Slovakia in the central Europe provides meticulous teaching in the medical education since decades. The school’s curative-preventive approach enables application of theoretical and practical knowledge in everyday medical practice, which significantly exceed the national, and in some areas also the European average. Thus, it is noteworthy that a learner grabs an opportunity to gain knowledge from a pioneer university in Slovakia, which is celebrating centenary, where thousands of students are currently studying.

When talking about affordability, Georgia is an exceptional study abode for future physicians. The studies here strive to ensure international standards in teaching and research and the country has become a distinguished education center for medical studies. Same in the case of Bulgaria as well, which also in recent years developed as one of the most dynamic and advanced higher medical educational institutions in the region. These medical schools are the right choices for people who are seeking for high standard medical education at a very low cost. The fact is that thousands of international students are now studying in these areas.

When looking for higher education opportunities it is also to be noted that most of the institutions that teach English syllabus are now changed their approach to international students due to several reasons and consequently every year medical schools introduce amendments in the admission procedure, fees, entrance exam and general eligibility criteria etc. Parents who are ready to send their children abroad for studies should inspects the right intuitions within their capacity while not compromising on quality education, living environment, safety and security of their beloved children. A medical education consortium in this direction can help the aspirants with apt and prompt services in many areas.

For more information and admission guides:
United Kingdom: +44 7703 848777
Ireland: +353 86255 6617
Switzerland +41 76 383 81 80
Austria: +43 68864 122224
Italy: +39 32777 95700